Gin and Tonic
Gin and Tonic
Elevate your cocktail hour with our Gin and Tonic Gift Basket, a sophisticated assortment perfect for gin lovers. Mix the perfect gin and tonic with Beefeater Gin, a can of club soda, and the Gin and Tonic Cocktail Kit. Complement your drink with gourmet delights, including Rosenborg Castello Camembert Cheese served with Aunt Gloria’s Sesame Water Crackers on a stylish Oval Cheese Board. Enjoy savoury bites of Mario Snack Olives, seasoned with garlic and sea salt, paired with the smoky richness of Canada Select Smoked Salmon. Add a burst of flavor with Heart of Wisconsin Mustard and Snowdonia Chutney, while Snacktales Butter Pretzels and buttery Sprucewood Shortbread offer the perfect crunch. All beautifully arranged in a large fabric basket with a leaf motif, this gift basket is ideal for any occasion.
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